



Software Tools for Strength Coaches

razorsedgeperformance, August 15 2018

The Files are INSIDE the computer When it comes to being a strength coach, the training (in person) is really only one aspect of the job. There are countless tasks and responsibilities that creep into your job profile. The difficult thing is staying sharp with all of these duties.

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Some Benefits of Coffee

razorsedgeperformance, November 7 2017

The fact that I need to defend coffee is shocking to me. There's no other beverage that I love as much as covfefe. I'm definitely not unique in my love for the nectar of the gods, but there is a large percentage of the population that fear this elixir. There...

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Metabolic Flexibility

razorsedgeperformance, November 8 2016

If you've read this blog at all recently you'll have noticed a lot of stuff on nutrition, Fasting and Ketosis. Yes, it's popular right now, and yes, many readers are looking for weight loss, but that's not my favourite aspect of burning fat. The biggest reason I'm so interested in...

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Hacking into Ketosis

razorsedgeperformance, October 26 2016

Spend an hour online and you’re bound to come across a hacking tutorial. No, I don’t mean computer hacking. I mean hacking ANYTHING. Hacking usually refers to using simple tricks and tools to make something easier or more efficient. The ease of sharing information in the technological age allows us...

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Hydration and Fascia: Why It's Important

razorsedgeperformance, July 23 2014

Let's start with an easy question. Is hydration important? You won’t find many people that disagree. I’m sure if you polled a hundred athletes, you would get consensus - of course it is. Everybody knows that it is. Yet, hydration is one of those things that everybody knows but nobody...

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The Conundrum of Sport-Specificity…

razorsedgeperformance, June 10 2014

(This article was partly motivated by the story out of the NHL combine about the top-ranked prospect being unable to complete a pull-up in testing…)This one is a doozie. There is no right answer, just multiple perspectives to consider.Sport-specificity creates an interesting dynamic for sport scientists and coaches because it...

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The Smallest Worthwhile Change

razorsedgeperformance, June 3 2014


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Building That Squat

razorsedgeperformance, May 9 2012

I've decided that my squat isn't near strong enough. I need to do something about it. There is an old Russian coach who had a 'foolproof' (except the soreness and discomfort) way to build your squat by up to 100lbs in a short period of time (13 weeks to be...

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What do you want to see?

razorsedgeperformance, October 28 2011

Hey everyone! We've been posting articles for a while now but we usually post on things we see, things we read about, or maybe something we're focusing on with our athletes. Let's change it up and post some of the things you'd like to hear about. So send us an...

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Fuel Your Workout!

razorsedgeperformance, August 26 2011

The supplement industry gets a lot of buzz...and why wouldn't it? Millions of athletes and recreational lifters are doing what they can everyday to get their best body and best performance. For most, there are definitely some things they could do better with their nutrition and things they could do...

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