One of the first things I do when training someone is request a food log. This does two things, it gives me an idea of what you're doing right or wrong and it also opens your eyes to what you're actually eating and drinking. The truth is, no one really...
Read MoreSo last time I posted, I mentioned that I was trying an aggressive approach to building up my squat to new strength levels. The truth is, I am doing it because the squat is the ultimate foundation lift for all things strength and power. Being strong doesn't guarantee you speed...
Read MoreI've decided that my squat isn't near strong enough. I need to do something about it. There is an old Russian coach who had a 'foolproof' (except the soreness and discomfort) way to build your squat by up to 100lbs in a short period of time (13 weeks to be...
Read MoreTraining can be a tricky thing. Most people will tell you it's just about effort, and for the most part that is where it starts. If you put in lots of work, good things will happen. If you don't, it becomes hard to make change. Now that we have gotten...
Read MoreFitness is important, this website exists because of this fact. We all know it's important but we still have trouble at times; whether it be goal setting, programming, nutrition or actually getting to the gym. For me, it's been the first and last of that list. Since moving back to...
Read MoreAs evidenced by the success of the supplement industry, protein powders are pretty popular; if you’ve been intrigued about what's out there, or you know you need more protein then this is for you! I know some of you will say that you don’t need protein powder, and that’s true,...
Read MoreCoffee might just be the most consumed beverage on the planet. I hope it's actually water, but frankly I see more people drinking coffee than water on a day to day basis. As with anything that popular, there are differing opinions as to its value. Is it good for you?...
Read MoreYesterday we talked about how mobility restrictions can really be hurting the way you move, which in turn can hold back your performances. Today i'll share a few videos of things you can add into your dynamic warmup or interset rest periods to start enjoying the benefits of quality movement....
Read MoreSomewhere along the line things got twisted. All of a sudden, the only thing that matters is strength. I'm seeing it all the time, guys are saying:"see how much I benched?? Squatted?". Sure, strength development is important, but how did it become the be all and end all? I've written...
Read MoreDid you make a resolution to burn fat or build muscle? Or maybe you're hardcore and have been grinding for a while. Either way, I might just have a tip to put you over the edge. The secret... Nutrition! OK, OK, you've heard that; you've also heard about what to...
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