

razorsedgeperformance, December 6 2011



A couple of things to share with everyone today. We are now entering Christmas party season so it's important to be doubly focused on your workouts since you are definitely going to go overboard in terms of alcohol and junk food consumption. This is more or less unavoidable. It's the holiday season, don't kid yourself. So the only defense is high-intensity workouts. They don't have to be 2-3 hours long, just get the hard work done quickly, then the after-party won't have as many negative effects on you...

Secondly, I have been seeing some amazing improvements in my vertical jump lately and I have written an article on the FITS website to outline some of the reasoning. Check it out here.

Thirdly, we are proud to announce that we are the health and fitness voice at a fantastic new website,

Check out the first major article here.

CaveMag is a fantastic online magazine that provides health and fitness, lifestyle, sports, style, entertainment, and many other categories of great insight from a group of great writers. Make sure you check it out regularly to read all the latest.

That's all for now, we'll be back soon with some fresh content!

It's About Getting Better!


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